Players CS Vise, Christiantoko Jericho, said he wanted to continue a career overseas if he had not played in Belgium again. He wants to continue to add hours of flying experience abroad to keep honed.
To, described the experience of Jericho and its development during the play in CS Vise in recent months. He said Vise squad is starting to look solid at the beginning of the season after they had difficulty getting maximum.
"Developments in there team starts playing well, at first the team is still difficult to win in the league and now it's starting to look solid and always get the 3 points," said Jericho.
Meanwhile, on the adaptation process, according to Jericho the most difficult thing in the process of adaptation is the food. He admitted to occasionally miss a varied taste Indonesian cuisine. While associated with the portion of the exercise, Jericho said it was not too difficult to adapt.
"If the food still needs to adapt again because every day there is always eating meat and a salad that tastes bland, unlike Indonesia foods that are rich in flavor. Sometimes I feel also miss the food of Indonesia," he said.
"If you exercise, there is usually one day there are two training sessions, morning and afternoon filled with technical training exercises filled game. If before the game, the exercise will be performed one time only."
When asked about his desire if it had not contracted CS Vise again, players from the city of Malang is claimed to still want to continue his career abroad first. "My desire to keep playing abroad, in order to add experience and flying hours that I have."
Jericho is currently still in Indonesia, he was on vacation half of the season and is scheduled to return to Belgium on December 30, 2011 along with other players namely Indonesia Syamsir Alam, Yandi and Alfin Tuasalamony Munawar, because CS Vise will compete again on December 8, with come to the headquarters of Sint-Niklaas.
CS Vise itself is currently ranked eighth in Division II Belgium by collecting eight wins and seven defeats with 27 points
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