"He must give place to Michel Platini because it is a shame, if there is one person who must fight against racism then the president of FIFA, is the person, which consists of 200 countries around the world, highly diversified in terms of culture, beliefs, and skin color , "said Taylor quoted from ESPN, Thursday (17/11/2011).
"Everyone should be angry at his comments, I think they were embarrassed. If you are the head of the organization of football you need followers and anyone who can follow him after this incident should feel ashamed of themselves, "he continued.
When asked whether Blatter should resign, he asserted: "Without a doubt, yes."
75-year-old Blatter made the football world turmoil with his comments on Wednesday (16/11) on Twitter yesterday stating that racism among players can be solved by just shaking hands after the game.
"I can not believe what I heard," said Taylor
Sepp Blatter himself served as president of FIFA since 1998 ago. Tweet Blatter has now been removed and replaced with Blatter photo posing with a black man.
"When you have the head of the world organization and said that someone who gets racist treatment in the field should accept it as part of the game and shake hands, it was incredible and he can not do anything like that," said Taylor.
"He did not understand how divisive racist-it creates a 'them and us'. Football is supposed to make people unite in the community. We all want a world where none of the people who think or say about the skin color of someone else, "Taylor said.
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